Not to be a buzzkill, but summer is over in Austin. As the 100-degree temperatures begin to fade and cooler weather sets in, sun-loving pests begin looking for places to hibernate. This could cause damage and preventable repairs if not treated now. 

The best times to treat pests in Austin and surrounding areas like Dripping Springs, Round Rock, Buda, & Kyle is, of course, year-round, to ensure you’re targeting the different types of pests that thrive in each season.


Walk outside any evening in the fall and you will hear the song of crickets taking part in the annual Central Texas cricket invasion. Spiders are very active in the late summer, including black widows and brown recluses. Wasps are also more active and aggressive in the fall. And in October, rats and mice will be hunting for a place to call home during the winter months.


The holiday season is famine season for some pests. Ants and rodents will be looking for food sources everywhere, including in your home, business, or other storage areas. As the leaves begin to fall and wood piles begin to stack up, pests and critters will find plenty of places to hide. Fall decorations are also chosen as places for unwanted pests to hide.


Don’t ring in the new year with a rat infestation; roof rats love attics in the winter. Signs of these furry pests may include noises in your ceiling, and the sight and smell of urine. Austin’s occasional snow or ice storm can increase moisture, which sets the scene for pests that love damp areas, like silverfish and centipedes.


Austin is a great place to live in springtime. Flowers are blooming and the city is abuzz with events. It’s also time for the return of the bug. As soon as the weather begins to warm, fleas can hatch by the hundreds. Ticks are one of the most common pests found in Austin and are responsible for most cases of Lyme disease in Texas. Not only are fleas and ticks a nuisance for you, but they can be bothersome for your pets as well.


Texas heat is no joke, and certain pests thrive in hotter temps. This is when termites begin their swarms and ants form new colonies. Hot temperatures mixed with occasional rain can lead to numerous mosquitos.

How Brockstar Pest Services can help

Pests are present in every season and can be an annoyance at any time of year. Brockstar Pest Services can help. Local since 2012, we serve Austin and surrounding areas like Dripping Springs, Round Rock, Buda, & Kyle. We know the best times to treat pests. We can create a comprehensive pest control plan for any season to rid your home and yard of pests. Call to schedule service, 512-800-0437.