The weather is getting cooler this time of year and that means one thing… Pests and rodents are looking for a new home. An influx of mice, rats, and even cockroaches could make for a miserable winter if you don’t prepare now. In addition, pests can cause damage to your home. Rodents, in particular, like to chew electrical wires and destroy insulation leading to costly home repairs.

There are also health risks to consider including the spread of disease. Illnesses like salmonella can spread from rodents directly to your pet. In addition, some pests bite, like certain spiders, ticks, and fleas, when they come into contact with humans or pets. The holidays can be stressful enough. You shouldn’t have to be worrying about Fido getting bit by ticks and fleas or a rodent spreading hantavirus in your home.

To avoid any potential rodent invasions, here are five pest-proofing tips to help get you through the winter season.

Watch for early signs.

Being proactive is one of the best ways to prevent pests in the winter. Make sure you recognize the signs. Look out for droppings, nests, and signs of burrowing. If you see one cockroach, it doesn’t mean you have an infestation. However, if you are not pest-proofing your home, it can quickly lead to one.

Seal cracks and crevices.

Take a good look at the perimeter of your home. Use caulk and steel wool to seal cracks and crevices for places that look like pests could sneak in. Some rodents only need an opening the size of a dime to squeeze in. Some other repairs that could safe proof your home are installing door sweeps and fixing any damaged screens. Check all your windows to ensure they are securely closed, sealing off all potential entry points.

Keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces vented and dry.

Pests need moisture to survive, and with the drier cold air outside, they will be in search of warm, moist areas like crawl spaces and basements. Garages and attics are also vulnerable to pests in the winter. Keep these areas well-ventilated. To help control the amount of moisture, install a dehumidifier.

Keep counters clean.

The winter season brings more time for feasts and celebrations, and with this comes extra food. Open food on countertops is an open invitation for pests. Make sure to store food in airtight containers. Wipe down countertops after meals. Also, inspect your cabinets and pantries for signs of food damage.

Close-up garbage.

No matter what time of year, garbage is always attractive to pests. During the winter months, rodents will be scrounging for food. Open garbage can be a breeding ground for certain pests if not properly handled. Be sure your garbage area is as clean as possible. Consider garbage cans with lids and put any food waste in garbage bags. Dispose of garbage regularly.

Contact Austin’s Pest Control Experts

The winter season is a beautiful time of year, but the cold weather should remind you to perform yearly maintenance to protect your home from winter pests. The best way to prevent an infestation is through prevention. Contact Brockstar Pest Services to schedule your winter pest prevention service today.